We all know how urgent the need for mental health support is right now. Nowhere is this more obvious than on The Village, where, over the past few years, we have witnessed requests for professional help supporting our children, our partners and ourselves sky rocket.
Whether the need is for a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, counsellor or support group, the demand is high. The need is great. The Village is always here to help South African families make the world a better place for all our children and we know how important the scaffolding of good mental health is to everyone.
In order to better meet this demand, we have set up The Village Mental Health Directory, where professionals and practitioners can list their services and specialities, in the hope that we can match Villagers searching for help with the skilled professionals offering it.
The cost to list on this directory is R500 for practitioners. It will be supported and marketed through the 50 000 members of The Village daily. There will never be any cost to families making use of it.